Our Program 2018

Auf einer Flöte und einer Trompete wird Musik in der X-MAS Tram gespielt

The Meeting Point

We welcome you on the 5th of December at 5:15pm at the Gleisschleife Dresden-Plauen (tram stop Nöthnitzer Straße). At our check-in you will be able to grab some snacks. From there, the lovely decorated tram will start for the X-MAS Tram ride 2018. On this map you can see our Meeting point (marked with a star), for your orientation:

On a map the meeting point of the X-MAS Tram 2018 is shown. It is located at Nöthnitzer and Münchner Straße.

After the Ride Is Before the Ride

After an entertaining tram ride through the wintry city of Dresden, we will stop directly at the main tram and bus garage of Dresden, the depot Trachenberge. There the historical Straßenbahnmuseum (tram museum) Dresden is located. Right at the entrance you will hear the Christmas music from the trombone choir of the ESG Dresden and receive hot drinks like Glühwein and tea from the employees of the tram museum. Afterwards you can go straight to the museum. Take a look around in the following video.

Building Relationships

But it is not only old trams awaiting you there but also the next part of our evening program: a variety of live music and entertainment. Your physical well-being will be taken care of there, too. Vegetarian options will also be offered.
At the same time, you’ll have the chance to check out all our Christmas buddy offers again on big posters and find your favourite. Some of the god parents will even be there in person so you’ll have a chance to meet them for the first time.

The highlight of the evening will be the performance of the Ezé Wendtoin. Here’s a musical taste:

The End of an Entertaining Journey

At about 9 pm the tram will take you back to the Gleisschleife Dresden-Plauen and it will be time to say farewell. We hope that this will be a memorable evening for you and the interesting new people you have met.

Many More Surprises

Adding to the activities we already talked about there will be some more surprises along the road. Our helpers are working every day to make this anniversary tram a very special journey for all of us! Don’t forget do be in a good moode that evening!
